Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> Maine Rehab Centers >> Rumford Rehabs

Below are 2 drug rehabilitation centers in Rumford, ME.

Rumford Drug Rehab Centers

Tri-county Mental Health Services - North Oxford County (substance Abuse Services)
Location: Rumford, ME - 04276
Contact Phone: (207) 364-7981
Website: http://tcmhs.org/
Description: Chemical dependency is a chronic, progressive disease. If untreated, can be fatal. The lives of individuals addicted to drugs or alcohol are negatively impacted, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, or socia-economic status. Chemical dependence also affects family members and other loved ones. There is no known cure for addiction to drugs or alcohol, but with proper treatment, individuals can recover and live a life free of chemicals. We assess a person's readiness to change, using the Transtheorelical Model. If motivation is low, we utilize cutting edge Motivational Interviewiog techniques to empower clients to change.

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