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Drug Rehab Centers >> Iowa Drug Rehabs >> Center for Alcohol and Drug Services - Scott County Jail

Center for Alcohol and Drug Services - Scott County Jail

400 West 4th Street
Davenport IA, 52801
Contact Phone: (563) 328-3223
Website: http://cads-ia.com/
Details: On January, 25, 1980, a combined board leadership held its first official meeting of the newly formed Center for Alcohol & Drug Services, Inc. That was the beginning of a distinguished history combining efforts and shared success of multiple professionals and individuals dedicated to the prevention, assessment and treatment of substance abuse in the Quad Cities and surrounding communities. The organization is affectionately known as “CADS,” an acronym that implies familiarity without further explanation. Criminal Justice Services: Intensive therapeutic program for both men and women that utilize a cognitive-behavioral treatment program to address substance abuse and criminal behaviors; Hazelden Curriculum is the basis of the C.A.D.S program and has three phases; The first phase is 8 weeks, and may be completed while incarcerated. This includes attending classes each week that address: drug and alcohol education, criminal and addictive thinking, relapse prevention, and reintegration preparation; Upon release from Jail, he or she will complete the second and third phase through outpatient treatment directed by the CADS staff; OWI-III programming, DUI services, and OWI evaluations

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