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Drug Rehab Centers >> Delaware Drug Rehabs >> Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington - Addiction and Substance Abuse Counseling (Sussex County Office)

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington - Addiction and Substance Abuse Counseling (Sussex County Office)

406 S Bedford Street, Suite 9
Georgetown DE, 19947
Contact Phone: (302) 856-9578
Website: http://www.cdow.org/catholic-diocese-of-wilmington-offices-and-ministries/catholic-charities/
Details: The Addiction and Substance Abuse Counseling program provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment services for persons and their families who are struggling with addiction issues. Catholic Charities is licensed to provide substance abuse services throughout the State of Delaware. Treatment is family oriented and provides help to all age groups through outpatient services. Counselors at all Delaware sites have experience is a variety of substance abuse settings. Substances include alcohol, prescription and non-prescription drugs, inhalants, and controlled substances. The drug and alcohol treatment program acts as an evaluation and referral center for those who need a higher level of care. The program aims to have the client attend the appropriate 12 Step group, remain abstinent, and make progress in achieving the goals of their service plan. Meeting these goals help the client maintain continuous abstinence. In addition to substance addiction, Catholic Charities counselors treat behavioral addictions, such as gambling, Internet gaming, and sexual addiction.

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