Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> Delaware Drug Rehabs >> Aquila of Delaware, Inc. - Argo Institute

Aquila of Delaware, Inc. - Argo Institute

409 Larch Circle
Wilmington DE, 19804
Contact Phone: (302) 384-6926
Website: http://www.aquilaofde.com/
Details: Argo is a comprehensive treatment program designed specifically for substance abusing dually diagnosed young adults (19 to 26). The program has been specifically designed on the latest research utilizing a trauma-informed treatment design. Our therapists work with clients to assist them in gaining independence from alcohol and drugs while building life and interpersonal skills needed for success in adulthood. We integrate harm reduction strategies, 12-step self help group support, as well as actively treating accompanying emotional problems. If needed, we offer psychiatric assessments and medication prescribing and/or monitoring. Each Argo clinician is continually trained and updated on the newest treatment approaches as well as trends in drug use such as prescription pill addiction, bath salts, and synthetic marijuana.

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