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Drug Rehab Centers >> Colorado Drug Rehabs >> Mind Springs Health - Rangely Office

Mind Springs Health - Rangely Office

17497 West Highway 64
Rangely CO, 81648
Contact Phone: (970) 675-8411
Website: http://www.mindspringshealth.org/
Details: In 1970 the western slope town of Granby was rocked by 4 suicides within a very short period of time. Residents and professionals decided that no more time could be lost in getting resources to vulnerable individuals, and an entity named ‘Colorado West’ was born. A private, not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation, that once was known as Colorado West has been transformed into Mind Springs Health. Doors were first opened in 1972, primarily funded federally by the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) for the first 8 years until fiscal support for mental health shifted largely to individual states. Today, we are dependent upon revenue from client fees & insurance, federal, state and local contracts, foundation and corporate grants and the generosity of people like you. We provide mental wellness, behavioral change and substance abuse treatment & services to a 23,000 square mile area in northwestern Colorado, from the Continental Divide to the Utah state border, with offices in 13 cities and towns along the western slope. We also have the only psychiatric hospital between Denver and Salt Lake City, West Springs Hospital. 2005 was a landmark year for the organization as our TeleHealth network expanded to reach our entire 10-county area and the psychiatric hospital opened its doors in reaction to psychiatric units in Grand Junction, Montrose and Durango closing. With Colorado currently offering 40% less psychiatric beds per 100,000 population than the national average we pride ourselves in responding to the needs of our communities and our state. Although based in Grand Junction, West Springs Hospital serves the entire state as well as surrounding areas in Wyoming and Utah.

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