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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC - Delano

Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC - Delano

1019 Jefferson St.
Delano CA, 93215
Contact Phone: (661) 721-0463
Website: http://aegistreatmentcenters.com/
Details: Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC., ("Aegis") operates one of the largest networks of Narcotic Treatment Programs (NTPs), also known as Opiate Treatment Programs (OTPs), in the nation. In 1998, Aegis began implementation of a business plan that would upgrade its network into a state-of-the-art continuum of care, creating a model that has set the standard for OTP operations throughout the country. AEGIS' MISSION: Aegis’ goal is to support the successful recovery of its patients and improve the quality of their lives; Aegis is committed to providing evidence-based comprehensive treatment services incorporating multidisciplinary modalities; Aegis promotes the highest standard of patient care in the treatment of substance abuse and related medical, psychological and socio-economic conditions; Aegis and its staff members pursue excellence, integrity & commitment in the provision of effective patient care.

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