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Drug Rehab Centers >> Illinois Drug Rehabs >> Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center

Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center

2020 West Harrison Street
Chicago IL, 60612
Contact Phone: (312) 572-4500
Website: http://www.cookcountyhhs.org/
Details: The Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center is a clinic for the prevention, care, and research of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases located in Chicago, Illinois. The Center uses a “one-stop-shopping” model to offer patients all the services they need under one roof. Services include primary and specialty medical care, dental care, social and support services, prevention and education programs, and opportunities to participate in research. The Center also has an onsite screening clinic that offers confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), confidential counseling and testing for HIV, and tuberculosis (TB) screening. The Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center was established as a partnership between the Cook County Health and Hospitals System and Rush University Medical Center. Since it opened its doors in 1998, the Center has remained one of the largest HIV/AIDS clinics in the United States.

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