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Drug Rehab Centers >> Kentucky Drug Rehabs >> Pathways Inc. - Hillcrest Hall

Pathways Inc. - Hillcrest Hall

2479 Grassy Lick Road
Mount Sterling KY, 40353
Contact Phone: (859) 498-6574
Website: http://www.pathways-ky.org/
Details: Hillcrest Hall is a long-term (approximately six months) residential adolescent substance abuse treatment program serving 16 chemically-dependent male youth ages 13 to 18. Consumers progress through the four phases of the program up to graduation. Our treatment philosophy at Hillcrest Hall involves active participation in the 12-step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. We provide individual and group therapy to counteract relapse by increasing awareness of problems that trigger “using” behavior. Family participation in treatment is necessary to educate families on the disease concept of addiction to promote healthier methods of communication, conflict resolution and interaction, and to introduce families to Al- Anon and Nar-Anon. We accept referrals from across the state of Kentucky, but give priority to the Pathways ten-county area. All consumers come to Hillcrest Hall voluntarily. Eligibility is determined by our multidisciplinary staff members who meet and evaluate the consumer's history, as well as results of the intake interview. Consumers should have completed pre-treatment work in preparation for long-term residential care. This work may be done with an outpatient counselor, school counselor, or social worker. Pre-treatment is the process of working through the denial and unsuccessful attempts at controlled use of the drug, resulting in the awareness that the problems and the substance use are seriously linked to each other. An initial screening can be done by phone. After this screening, if appropriate, a face-to-face interview is arranged. Upon completion of the interview, if appropriate, the consumer is given an admission date. If not appropriate, recommendations are made for a more suitable level of care. Once admitted, the consumer is given a more in-depth two-week evaluation. This includes a detailed addiction assessment, social history, complete medical examination, and psychological and psychiatric evaluations.

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