Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Narconon of Northern California

Narconon of Northern California

262 Gaffey Road
Watsonville CA, 95076
Contact Phone: (831) 768-7190
Website: http://www.narconon.org/
Details: Providing relief from addiction and new sober lives for Northern Californians is the Narconon drug rehab center outside Santa Cruz. Here, a beautiful rehab center sits atop a range of hills overlooking Monterey Bay. There are also two other rehab facilities in Lake Tahoe and Placerville. All three centers offer privacy and a path to learn how to build a new, sober life that can last a lifetime. At any of these Narconon Northern California centers, the emphasis is on having the life skills to stay sober. For that reason, a person graduates from this program when they are certain they have the ability to deal with sobriety, not when a certain time limit is reached. This may take one person a longer time than another. Freedom from cravings is another essential part of recovery. If a person struggles with the urge to use drugs from the first thing in the morning until the last thing at night, he is likely to lose the fight one day when his stresses are heaviest. At Narconon Northern California, an innovative sauna detoxification procedure is used to flush old drug toxins out of each person's body. Those completing this step talk about their brighter outlooks, their increased energy and the reduction in cravings they experience.

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