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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Mens Center San Diego Rescue Mission Inc

Mens Center San Diego Rescue Mission Inc

120 Elm Street
San Diego CA, 92101
Contact Phone: (619) 687-3720
Website: http://www.sdrescue.org/
Details: San Diego Rescue Mission meets the critical, diverse needs of homeless, poor and/or addicted men through our 12-month residential rehabilitation program, providing the tools, training and support to permanently transform their lives. At the very center of this state-licensed recovery program is the beginning and/or strengthening of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Men’s Center incorporates a holistic approach to recovery, addressing the needs of the mind, body, and soul. By doing so we help our residents confront and overcome the problems that led to homelessness in the first place. Men's CenterIn addition to providing basic services such as housing and food, our program also integrates practical life skills such as vocational training and educational classes. Work therapy and individual therapy assist in the recovery of each client, and Bible study classes add to the men’s total transformation. Upon graduation, our goal is that all men live both independently as part of society, but also depend on their relationships with Jesus Christ. In the residential transition period that follows on site, we remain available to assist our graduates in obtaining housing and employment, giving them their greatest chances for success in returning to the outside world as a contributing member of society.

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