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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Higher Goals

Higher Goals

10510 South Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles CA, 90044
Contact Phone: (323) 755-9702
Website: http://www.highergoals.org/
Details: Higher Goals, Inc. was incorporated in 1992 to bring hope and help to those suffering and homeless in Los Angeles neighborhoods. Originally a service arm of the Prayer Time Mission founded in 1971 by Dorothy and John Thompson, the ministry was a response to a growing community need for assistance with housing. As the Thompsons and their friends reached out to the homeless, it soon became apparent that more services were needed than could be financed by church members alone. An expanding financial base allowed Higher Goals, Inc. to add more resources including an emergency shelter with 20 beds and supportive services. 90-Day residency and transitional housing with stays of up to 6 months at multiple sites, job training and employment services are now available. As outreach has stepped up, referrals have increased from info line and other resources throughout Los Angeles county. Today Higher Goals, Inc. works in tandem with many agencies in order to maximize the services we provide to an ever – increasing constituency. Higher Goals, Inc. community workers respond to all people in need. We serve the AIDS community by providing case management for HIV+ clients in collaboration with Drew Medical Center.

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