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Drug Rehab Centers >> Alabama Drug Rehabs >> Recovery Center for Teens/Tuscaloosa Bridge Inc

Recovery Center for Teens/Tuscaloosa Bridge Inc

6001 12th Avenue East
Tuscaloosa AL, 35405
Contact Phone: (205) 344-6483
Website: http://www.bridgeinc.org
Details: Tuscaloosa Outpatient Addiction Treatment Center (ATC) is located adjacent to the Tuscaloosa County Juvenile Court and Detention Center. The program is designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 18 who meet the American Society of Addiction Medicine's criteria for Level I or Level II treatment placement. The Tuscaloosa ATC offers outpatient, intensive outpatient, continuing care services and TASS, an evening reporting center. The service model is based on a blended therapeutic approach, drawing from four theoretical frameworks (Rogerian, behavioral, cognitive, and reality). The program emphasizes an individualized treatment plan that includes the family unit as well as the adolescent. Referrals are accepted from the courts, school systems, parents, and other community agencies. A call to the ATC to schedule a time for screening and assessment is all that is required. Following the assessment, recommendations by the therapist to the client and his / her family of the appropriate level of care will be discussed. The Tuscaloosa ATC offers four service tracks. The client will be assigned to the least restrictive service track based on the clinical needs identified during the assessment. Each track incorporates treatment strategies and methods that have been demonstrated to be effective in helping people who are abusing drugs or alcohol. Having multiple tracks of service enables us to match clients to the most appropriate service level.

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