Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> Missouri Drug Rehabs >> The Crossroads Program - Kansas City Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment

The Crossroads Program - Kansas City Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment

13860 Wyandotte St
Kansas City MO, 64145
Contact Phone: (816) 941-4000
Website: http://thecrossroadsprogram.com/
Details: At The Crossroads Program’s alcohol and drug rehab treatment center in Kansas City, Missouri, we specialize in treating teens and young adults with substance abuse and addiction problems. As one of the area’s few rehab and treatment centers designed for teens, we use a unique method to treat drug and alcohol addiction in young adults. We understand that there are unique factors affecting teenagers and adolescents that others with addiction do not face. Therefore, we have built our drug rehab treatment facility and programs around the need to treat and address these issues.

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