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Drug Rehab Centers >> Missouri Drug Rehabs >> Burrell Behavioral Health - Adult Substance Abuse Services

Burrell Behavioral Health - Adult Substance Abuse Services

323 E. Grand
Springfield MO, 65807
Contact Phone: (417) 761-5600
Website: http://www.burrellcenter.com/
Details: The complexities of mental illness are often compounded by drug and alcohol use, making it a challenge to get the right diagnosis and treatment for both. Mental illness can increase the risk for alcoholism or drug abuse at times due to self-medicating. On the other hand, alcoholism can lead to significant anxiety and depression that may appear indistinguishable from a mental illness. With dual diagnosis, both the mental health issue and the drug or alcohol addiction have their own unique symptoms that may get in the way of your ability to function, handle life’s difficulties, and relate to others. To make the situation more complicated, the co-occurring disorders also affect each other and interact. When a mental health problem goes untreated, the substance abuse problem usually gets worse as well. And when alcohol or drug abuse increases, mental health problems usually increase too.

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