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Drug Rehab Centers >> Minnesota Drug Rehabs >> Progress Valley 1 - Men's Program

Progress Valley 1 - Men's Program

3033 Garfield Avenue S
Minneapolis MN, 55408
Contact Phone: (612) 345-4227
Website: http://progressvalley.org/
Details: The Progress Valley Men’s Program provides a safe, sober, structured environment for men while in the process of putting their lives back together. Residential clients receive comprehensive, intensive chemical and mental health treatment that includes one-on-one counseling, individualized treatment planning, group therapy, family programming, medication monitoring, case management, and community referrals. Clients also receive educational lectures, attend 12-step meetings, enjoy recreational activities and begin to adhere to a set of rules that are designed to develop routine into their lives. When clients are ready, they are expected to maintain employment, attend school or work voluntarily in the community. Following residential services, clients may be transferred to outpatient relapse prevention groups and additional services for continued support. The treatment programs are designed to meet the unique programming needs of each of our clients. Typically clients participate in approximately 15 to 30 hours of programming per week.

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