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Drug Rehab Centers >> Massachusetts Drug Rehabs >> CASPAR, Inc. - Men's Residences

CASPAR, Inc. - Men's Residences

16 Highland Avenue
Somerville MA, 02143
Contact Phone: (617) 623-5277
Website: http://casparinc.org/
Details: CASPAR Men’s Residences provide a six-to-nine month residential experience for 42 men experiencing the struggles of early sobriety. Clients receive the building blocks necessary for long-term sobriety through individual and group counseling and community-based self-help groups. Utilizing a psycho-educational approach to groups, staff provide clients with the tools they will need to develop and practice a healthy and fulfilling sober lifestyle. In addition, clients receive counseling and case management to build relapse prevention skills through the use of 12 Step Facilitation, Harm Reduction, and Motivational Interviewing Techniques. Clients also receive job readiness skills which are provided by CASPAR’s Employment Services program. Through a comprehensive health education training series, clients learn the principles of harm reduction, the risk and protective practices associated with communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, and the basics of men’s wellness. Residential treatment emphasizes the importance of anger management, impulse control, personal responsibility, and a wide array of independent living skills intended to promote self-sufficiency. Clients are helped to access benefits such as Food Stamps, Mass Health, and referrals for GEDs and to Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission for vocational training. Case Managers/counselors help clients with referrals for housing and aftercare. Upon graduation, clients are well equipped to practice their relapse prevention skills as they become reintegrated into mainstream community life and sober permanent living settings.

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