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Drug Rehab Centers >> Florida Drug Rehabs >> Colonial Management Group LP - St. Petersburg Metro Treatment Center

Colonial Management Group LP - St. Petersburg Metro Treatment Center

6880 46 Ave. North, Units 140 & 150
Saint Petersburg FL, 33709
Contact Phone: (727) 547-5200
Website: http://methadonetreatment.com/
Details: Colonial Management Group, LP (CMG) is a unique organization of sixty-four (64) private outpatient substance abuse treatment clinics that have been successfully treating opiate dependence since 1986. The Company, which is headquartered in Orlando, Florida, takes great pride in establishing and maintaining the values, mission, and direction of the organization. We are continuously searching for the most innovative techniques to utilize in our facilities to ensure the most comprehensive treatment experience resulting in the best outcome possible. CMG operates as outpatient clinics specifically designed for persons addicted to the opioid class of drugs, including prescription pain medications and heroin. Patients are enrolled into a comprehensive program, which includes individual and group counseling to address psychological and social needs in addition to their chemical dependence

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