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Drug Rehab Centers >> Colorado Drug Rehabs >> Mind Springs Health - The Women’s Recovery Center

Mind Springs Health - The Women’s Recovery Center

2800 Riverside Parkway #2
Grand Junction CO, 81501
Contact Phone: (970) 245-4213
Website: http://www.mindspringshealth.org/
Details: We are dedicated to helping women overcome barriers to recovery and healing, and finding the tools they need to achieve positive change. The Women’s Recovery Center is a 90-day intensive drug and alcohol and transitional living program specializing in holistic recovery. It is the only ‘for women-only’ program on the western slope and one of few in Colorado where women may have their children with them during the residential treatment. We identify chemical dependency as a medical disease and our comprehensive approach addresses all aspects of the disease. Physical and mental health, emotional wellbeing, spiritual growth and social needs are all part of the program’s focus. Children ages 0-10 with no behavioral issues are eligible to stay with their mother. Our caring professionals utilize evidence-based therapeutic practices. The intensive and highly-structured program employs a variety of treatment approaches including Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and the Matrix Model for methamphetamine addiction. As appropriate, spouses, partners, other children and/or family members are encouraged to participate in the treatment process. Women must meet the goals of their personal treatment plan to graduate, and may graduate early if appropriate or are offered additional time in the program if needed. Graduates of The Women’s Recovery Center are connected to other resources and health programs to promote continued recovery. We celebrate the joy and freedom gained by those who succeed and become productive and successful members of the community.

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