Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Turning Point of Central California Inc. - Aftercare Services (Federal)

Turning Point of Central California Inc. - Aftercare Services (Federal)

1638 L Street
Fresno CA, 93721
Contact Phone: (559) 237-0846
Website: http://www.tpocc.org/
Details: Turning Point offers aftercare substance abuse treatment and prevention and mental health treatment. The Aftercare program provides a comprehensive program of counseling and testing to facilitate the cessation of all illegal substance abuse for program clients. These drug abuse prevention, counseling, and mental health treatment services are provided under contract with the U.S. Court System. The primary goal of the program is to provide substance abusers with relapse prevention skills so they can live in the community successfully. Clients unable to achieve this goal are identified and appropriate intervention is implemented. An individual who remains out in the community and lives a productive life without drugs or disabling mental health issues is a benefit to the entire community.

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