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Drug Rehab Centers >> Indiana Drug Rehabs >> LifeSpring Health Systems

LifeSpring Health Systems

404 Spring Street
Jeffersonville IN, 47130
Contact Phone: (812) 280-2080
Website: http://www.lifespringhealthsystems.org/
Details: LifeSpring is the premier provider of mental health services in southern Indiana. LifeSpring provides a comprehensive array of mental health services: education, prevention, information, assessment, intervention, and treatment. Our professional providers are psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, nurses, licensed and master level therapists, counselors, care and case managers, and support personnel. Using a team approach, we tailor a specific program for each individual. We are committed to building and nurturing strong partnerships, working closely with the medical community, social service and mental health agencies, schools, governmental and justice officials, churches, community organizations, and individuals. Our goal is to provide the least restrictive, most supportive services appropriate to each participant’s needs.

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