Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> Indiana Drug Rehabs >> Brighter Tomorrows Inc

Brighter Tomorrows Inc

310 North Michigan Street, Suite 208
Plymouth IN, 46563
Contact Phone: (574) 935-9449
Website: http://www.brightertomorrowsinc.com/
Details: When the storms of life blow there is hope for a brighter tomorrow! The staff at Brighter Tomorrows, Incorporated welcome those who are hurting from the effects of life’s storms. Our goal at Brighter Tomorrows is to aid in the healing process for both individuals and families. We are an outpatient counseling facility dedicated to providing hope and direction in the best possible professional manner. Our Substance Abuse Treatment program is State of Indiana Certified by the Family & Social Services Administration.We are members of many PPO/HMO plans as well as Medicaid and Medicare credentialed providers. We have a knowledgeable staff to help with all insurance benefit questions. Think counseling is not affordable? We also offer a sliding scale reduced fee based on your household income and number of dependents.

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