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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Tri-City Mental Health Center

Tri-City Mental Health Center

2008 North Garey Avenue
Pomona CA, 91767
Contact Phone: (909) 623-6131
Website: http://www.tricitymhs.org
Details: Established in 1960, Tri-City Mental Health Center (TCMHC) was conceptualized as a comprehensive mental health service provider, dedicated to helping families and individuals of all ages reach their full potential. Through close and dedicated collaboration with the community it serves, TCMHC has successfully created an integrated system of care that ensures access and enhances mental and emotional health. Available services include but are not limited to psychotherapy, clinical case management, medication support, peer-to-peer support, psychoeducation, linkage and referral, vocational training and support, socialization activities, and community outreach.

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