Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> Massachusetts Drug Rehabs >> Jeremiahs Inn

Jeremiahs Inn

1059 Main Street
Worcester MA, 01603
Contact Phone: (508) 755-6403
Website: http://www.jeremiahsinn.com/
Details: JEREMIAH'S INN IS A 29 BED TRANSITIONAL SOCIAL MODEL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAM SERVING ADULT MEN. This is a program of experiential learning that is peer oriented. Everyone gives and receives help. Residents in this program work with their case manager to develop individual service plans that give focus to their efforts. The residents share rooms, receive meals, have access to clothing, and participate in programs and services that move them closer to their goals. Participants contribute $10 per day for program fees which help offset the cost of the program. In most cases we are able to accept food stamps as a method of payment for program fees. We also have a Resident Work Program in which 4 residents are able to receive assistance with program fees if they are having financial difficulty.

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