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Drug Rehab Centers >> Maryland Drug Rehabs >> Seafarers Addiction Rehabilitation Center

Seafarers Addiction Rehabilitation Center

45705 Locust Grove Drive
Valley Lee MD, 20692
Contact Phone: (301) 994-0010
Website: https://www.seafarers.org/memberbenefits/sarc.asp
Details: The Seafarers Addiction Rehabilitation Center is a private, non-profit residential treatment facility operated by the Seafarers Health and Benefits Plan as a proactive response to the problem of chemical dependency in the maritime industry. In operation since 1975, the program is designed to address alcohol and other drug issues relevant to the United States Merchant Mariner. The staff at the SARC understands chemical dependency to be a primary illness in itself, thereby compounding and contributing to problems in all life areas. SARC rehabilitation efforts are guided by the philosophy that is the foundation of all SIU efforts on behalf of the membership: “the development of the worker as a whole person, not just the person as a worker.” A seafarer may volunteer to attend the rehabilitation program or may be referred to treatment for job-related incidents involving alcohol and other drugs. These referrals may be made by the union, contracted companies, or the United States Coast Guard.

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