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Drug Rehab Centers >> Kentucky Drug Rehabs >> Pathways Inc. - Boyd County Outpatient Unit

Pathways Inc. - Boyd County Outpatient Unit

201 22nd Street
Ashland KY, 41101
Contact Phone: (606) 324-1141
Website: http://www.pathways-ky.org/
Details: Since 1967, Pathways, Inc., has proudly served as a community-based center for mental health care, the prevention and treatment of alcohol and other addictions, and services for individuals with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Together, these services provide a network to promote the emotional health and well-being of our citizens and communities. Pathways operates more than 50 facilities in a ten-county region and continues to grow. More than 500 employees provide complete and professional services. The Pathways philosophy is to provide a complete package of prevention and treatment services designed to meet community needs. Through these unified services, we seek to promote the growth of people toward higher levels of functioning, greater self-esteem, emotional maturity, competence, and self-responsibility. Pathways provides professional and effective services for the prevention, intervention and treatment of alcohol and other drug abuse problems. Outpatient services are available in each of the 10 counties in the Pathways service area. Services include individual, family and group counseling for alcohol and other addiction problems, educational sessions, and referral to vocational services and self-help groups. Intensive Outpatient treatment also is provided.

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