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Drug Rehab Centers >> Hawaii Drug Rehabs >> Womens House Big Island Substance Abuse Council

Womens House Big Island Substance Abuse Council

323 Kauila Street
Hilo HI, 96720
Contact Phone: (808) 969-9994
Website: http://www.bisac.org/
Details: BISAC envisions a community where everyone can be free to live an enriched life of health, happiness and overall wellbeing. Treatment is geared towards treating the individual who abuses alcohol and other drugs, with the goal of reducing the destructive effects of substance abuse on individuals and the devastating consequences on the community. With BISAC’s encouragement and support, clients can feel long-term positive effects from participating in the program. They learn the skills to help prevent incidents of relapse, which can affect school, work, or family life. They can learn to stay free from new arrests or other criminal involvement. They gain the skills to reduce visits to the emergency room for any drug or alcohol related medical condition, benefitting themselves as well as the healthcare system. And for those clients who are parents, they learn parenting skills that help build a stable environment for their children. By providing clients with the necessary tools, exposing them to healthier living skills, and giving them purpose in life, BISAC is able to help improve overall quality of life.

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