Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> Georgia Drug Rehabs >> The Insight Program - Atlanta

The Insight Program - Atlanta

5110 Old Ellis Point
Roswell GA, 30076
Contact Phone: (770) 751-8383
Website: http://theinsightprogram.com/
Details: The Insight Program is a drug and alcohol treatment center designed for young people ages 13 – 25. The Insight Program is committed to the idea that addiction to or dependence on alcohol and other drugs is a serious problem and should be treated as such. Insight is a private program which is twelve step based and offers a network of interacting services including a fee based intensive outpatient program and an 18 – 30 month support group. The Insight Program is committed to the idea that drug and alcohol abuse affects the entire family and therefore offers counseling and support groups for parents.

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