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Drug Rehab Centers >> Georgia Drug Rehabs >> The Athens Area Commencement Center

The Athens Area Commencement Center

1175 Mitchell Bridge Road
Athens GA, 30606
Contact Phone: (706) 546-7355
Website: http://www.thecommencementcenter.com/
Details: The Athens Area Commencement Center strives to be an outstanding Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment Program. We provide treatment based upon the most recent science and medical understanding of addiction as a medical brain disease, which affects the addict, the family and the community. We provide holistic, educational and preventive/treatment care that is safe, confidential and is delivered in a therapeutic environment. We strive to be an educational resource by providing the academic community a clinical placement for Internship and Residency for the School of Social Work, School of Pharmacy, and School of Nursing. This provides a clinical placement for these students, allowing them to learn substance abuse disorders in their respective professional disciplines. Clinical Services are provided with dignity and compassion by competent, qualified staff that has the necessary skills, certifications, licensure and credentials to ensure excellent outcomes. Different treatment modalities are provided and include: Ambulatory Detoxification, Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient Services, and Aftercare. Care is individualized to best treat each client’s needs. Client care is delivered in a fiscally responsible fashion. We are committed to provide physical space to appropriate Client and Family Support Groups that embrace medical protocol and ongoing recovery in the treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders for life-long sobriety.

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