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Drug Rehab Centers >> Florida Drug Rehabs >> Substance Abuse Treatment Program Broward House

Substance Abuse Treatment Program Broward House

501 SE 18th Court
Fort Lauderdale FL, 33316
Contact Phone: (954) 523-9454
Website: http://www.browardhouse.org
Details: Broward House provides a unique and effective substance abuse treatment program in a safe and structured environment. The treatment environment enhances the recovery and personal growth process of the client. Staff members serve as role models as well as being credentialed professionals who guide, assist, and direct the client through the recovery process. The understanding that change is possible and that each individual deserves a better life is instilled through a holistic and caring approach. Day/Night Treatment program is provided to HIV+ adults living in the residential campus of Broward House who have had treatment and relapse episodes. A Day Treatment program is provided to HIV+ individuals who have stable living and support in the community. Individuals with co-occurring mental health needs are welcomed in this program. Broward House provides a unique treatment program which allows individuals to address all the life areas which impact their health, wellbeing and sobriety. The environment also provides a safe place to discuss the impact of HIV on their life. The program provides 6 groups a day. There are 4 groups in the morning with a clinical focus primarily facilitated by master level therapists. There are evening two groups which include social rehabilitation and a 12 step component. The individuals served come from a variety of backgrounds and frequent have been impacted by incarceration, trauma, homelessness and previous treatment programs. Our program strives to meet the individuals where they are and adapt to their needs and abilities. We hope to show them that change is possible and they deserve a better life. Each individual received support in transitioning to their most attainable level of independence.

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