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Drug Rehab Centers >> Delaware Drug Rehabs >> Limen House

Limen House

624 North Broom Street
Wilmington DE, 19805
Contact Phone: (302) 571-1216
Website: http://www.limenhouse.org/
Details: Our mission is to offer a threshold to recovery and break the cycle of addiction in service to our community. Some people go their whole lives without ever seeing a miracle. At Limen House, we've been seeing them every day for over 40 years. As friends and supporters of Limen House, you have not only seen them, but also helped to create them. In 2009 Limen House celebrated its 40 year anniversary of helping alcoholics and addicts reenter society as fully functioning and productive members. From its' inception in 1969, the Limen House philosophy has been to provide a temporary home for those with no place to live. There the alcoholic learns to change their life and help themselves in an atmosphere of compassion and loving concern. They learn to be responsible for their own choices. The aim is truly restoration - a new life restored to the community. The statistics on the devastation of alcoholism and drug addiction are staggering. The need for our program has grown over the last 40 years, but thankfully, so has the support of the surrounding community and friends of Limen House. Our residential therapeutic treatment program for recovering alcoholics and addicts consists of two halfway houses, one for men and one for women, both in downtown Wilmington.

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