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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Chandler Lodge Foundation

Chandler Lodge Foundation

11455 Chandler Boulevard
North Hollywood CA, 91601
Contact Phone: (818) 766-4534
Website: http://www.chandlerlodge.org/
Details: Chandler Lodge is a non-profit, tax-exempt foundation established in 1960 to help alcohol and drug abusers recover from their addiction. Founded by sober men in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, we are committed to provide services through the 12 step program that has been successful for many years. The Foundation has proven to be one of the most effective Sober Living rehabilitation programs available. Because of the commitment made by clean and sober members, both past and present, and altruistic members of the community, literally thousands have benefited from our in-house and outreach programs. Chandler Lodge is not a lock down facility; it functions as a program of attraction through the 12 step program in an alcohol and drug free environment. Chandler Lodge will continue to be of service to the community, helping others to enjoy life without alcohol or drugs and be a productive member of society.

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