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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Miracles for Moms

Miracles for Moms

121 N. Davis Street, Annex Building
Santa Paula CA, 93060
Contact Phone: (805) 525-7789
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/miraclehouse/
Details: Miracles for Moms is a Calworks project providing outpatient services for women with children. Our sites are available to women in Santa Paula and Ventura. This program provides intensive day treatment for women who are addicted to alcohol and/ or drugs. This program has been established to support women in their quest to return to work and exit the Welfare System. Miracles for Moms provides help in returning functioning members of their family and the community as a whole. This program consists of four tracks ranging from an Intensive Outpatient program with mandatory attendance 5 days a week, plus individual counseling, to an Introduction and/ or Intervention program with only individual sessions as needed. The education includes addiction, stress management, self esteem, problem solving skills, 12-step support, parenting skills, anger management and communication skills.

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