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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Heartland Center

Heartland Center

1060 Estes Street
El Cajon CA, 92020
Contact Phone: (619) 440-5133
Website: http://www.comresearch.org
Details: Heartland BPSR Wellness Recovery Center is a Bio-Psychosocial Rehabilitation program of Community Research Foundation that provides integrated, coordinated community-based psychosocial rehabilitation services for adults 18 and older who have serious mental illness, as well as individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance disorders. Heartland BPSR Wellness Recovery Center's services are based on the principles of psychosocial rehabilitation, with emphasis on attending to the whole person and re-establishing one's life as a result of the consequences of mental illness, rather than simply attending to the symptoms of the illness. The services focus on recovery, rehabilitation, and community integration, and are individualized to meet the needs of each client. Clients actively participate in setting service plan goals and are encouraged to involve family and significant others in the recovery plan.

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