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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Nueva Esperanza Door To Hope

Nueva Esperanza Door To Hope

130 Church Street
Salinas CA, 93901
Contact Phone: (831) 422-2636
Website: http://www.doortohope.org/
Details: Door to Hope is currently celebrating 40 years of service to the people of Monterey County. Its nine behavioral health programs serve infants and young children, teenagers, men, women and families. Nueva Esperanza is an innovative residential treatment center for mothers with addiction and mental health problems and their children. Located in a lovely restored Victorian, Nueva Esperanza is a warm, safe place with an experienced certified staff that understands the complexities and fragilities of both the mothers and their children. With help from staff, mothers and their babies and young children have the opportunity to start building a new life---a life of promise for a better future. The mothers at Nueva Espinoza typically come from below the poverty level. Most have been exposed to domestic violence and have multiple mental health problems including trauma and depression and/or anxiety disorders. Suffering from mental health problems and living a life of addiction gives the mothers little opportunity to provide their children the loving, dependable nurturing they need.

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