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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Woodglen Detox

Woodglen Detox

751 West Orangethorpe Avenue
Fullerton CA, 92832
Contact Phone: (714) 879-2741
Website: http://woodglenrecovery.org/
Details: In the beginning, nearly all addicts believe that they can stop using drugs on their own anytime they choose. Most try to stop without treatment. Most of those attempts fail. Woodglen's effectiveness lies not only in its focus on the pressing problems of addiction, but also in recognizing and addressing the underlying issues and myths that perpetuate the disease. It is only by addressing these problems that the self-destructive behaviors of the addicted person can change, allowing the individual to accept their own responsibility and accountability. People are not one-dimensional and neither are addictions. Each of us exist as mind, body and spirit, and it is only when all these facets are cared for and balanced that we can expect to lead healthy lives. What we at Woodglen have learned about recovery has evolved over the years. We know what works. We know how to help alcoholic and drug dependent people get their lives back on track. We've blended tried and true methods with professional guidance and the wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous. We know that with love, tolerance and education, everyone can recover from addiction. We know because it has happened for us. Our detoxification facility provides a comfortable environment in which clients can safely and securely withdraw from the effects of drugs and alcohol. Our qualified staff provides 24 hr monitoring and care. Emergency medical support is available.

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