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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Community Support Services

Community Support Services

542 Ocean Street, Suite K
Santa Cruz CA, 95060
Contact Phone: (831) 459-0444
Website: http://www.encompasscs.org/
Details: Community Support Services is a place of acceptance, hope, and healing. We serve individuals who are challenged by loss, poverty, and stigma associated with a diagnosis of mental illness, HIV/AIDS or experience as a foster youth. We believe that people can and do overcome the barriers that confront them, and that they have the capability to make their own choices for their lives and their recovery. As staff, we value and build on the talents, strengths, coping abilities and inherent worth of each individual, and we embody and nurture hope. Individuals served by CSS increase their community participation, expand support networks, reduce hospitalizations, and improve the quality of their lives. Services include dual diagnosis treatment, mental health counseling, residential treatment, emergency shelter, case management, outreach and education, permanent supported housing, transitional housing, peer support, money management, independent living support for former foster youth, and HIV testing and support for those with HIV/AIDS.

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