Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Center Point Residential Program

Center Point Residential Program

207 1st Street
San Rafael CA, 94901
Contact Phone: (415) 454-9444
Website: http://www.cpinc.org/
Details: Center Point’s mission is to provide comprehensive social, educational, vocational, medical, psychological, housing and rehabilitation services to combat social problems such as substance abuse, poverty, unemployment and homelessness. Center Point offers rehabilitation and treatment services that interrupt the abusive cycles of psychological, social and economic dislocation by providing critical training and support so that individuals and families can claim self-worth and dignity. enter Point's integrated, comprehensive program of counseling, skills training and supportive services stops the downward spiral of substance abuse and teaches community integration training. Center Point's residential programs seek to restore the dignity, values and self-esteem of each client. Residential programs include an intensive, psycho-educational approach as well as therapeutic services such as cognitive, behavioral and psychosocial skills training. Vocational and career preparation skills assist in workforce development and employment.

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