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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Comprehensive Addiction Programs, Inc. - Residential

Comprehensive Addiction Programs, Inc. - Residential

2445 West Whitesbridge Road
Fresno CA, 93706
Contact Phone: (559) 264-2551
Website: http://caprehab.org/
Details: In 1972, a man named Dean Duncan and other local businessmen made it their mission to provide a safe haven for homeless alcoholic men. The following year CAP was incorporated as a treatment program for alcoholism. Over the years it has evolved to meet greater addiction recovery needs in the community. CAP now offers detoxification and stabilization services, residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment and transitional living for adult men and women. Committed to rebuilding lives, families, and communities CAP serves over 200 clients a year. Through its services CAP provides clients with the skills and tools to help recover from addiction and build independent sustainable lives in the community. The residential programs are based on the 12-step rehabilitation model. In the program clients receive drug education, individual and group counseling. In addition, CAP rehabilitation program offers classes in anger management, self-esteem, and trauma and abuse. Clients also attend weekly parenting and relationship classes to develop their communication skills and build healthier families. The general environment at Comprehensive Addiction Programs, Inc. is based on learning to work together to solve problems as a dependency-free community. The environment at CAP is home-like. Clients can step out of their rooms into Serenity Garden and enjoy the fresh air and the calmness of nature. There is a baseball field, basketball court, horseshoe pit and open field where clients can play sports and games. Three children’s playrooms are available for the clients to visit with their children in a comfortable and private environment. CAP’s focus is to make clients feel welcome and at home.

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