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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Norwood Bi Valley Medical Clinic

Norwood Bi Valley Medical Clinic

310 Harris Avenue, Suite A
Sacramento CA, 95838
Contact Phone: (916) 649-6793
Website: http://www.bivalley.com/
Details: Bi-Valley Medical Clinic is a Sacramento-based out-patient addiction treatment program which specializes in the medical treatment of addiction to opiates, such as Vicodin, Oxycontin, Norco, codeine, morphine, or heroin. Starting in 1980, we have developed a comprehensive treatment model that recognizes both the medical nature of opiate addiction and the multiple factors commonly associated with it, such as mental health problems, chronic pain, or overwhelming life stressors. A multidisciplinary treatment team involving medical and nursing staff, social workers, and certified addiction counselors help implement a holistic model of care informed by an emphasis on an artistic aesthetic to create an optimal healing environment. Bi-Valley is an active research partner in the National Institute of Drug Abuse’s Clinical Trials Network. Our research projects both improve patient care and expand knowledge in this special area of medicine. Bi-Valley offers a variety of specialty programs to meet the individual needs and desires of our patients. We provide both short and medium length opiate withdrawal programs (detox) using methadone, as well as a longer term methadone maintenance program. Bi-Valley is also the area’s most experienced provider of Subutex/Suboxone (buprenorphine) treatment, which can also be used short term or long term. Special areas of research and interest include the management of opiate addiction during pregnancy, collaborative relationships with law enforcement, and linking psychiatric treatment with addiction treatment. Bi-Valley is active in providing education and consultation to community agencies and policy makers on the nature of opiate addiction and the need to approach addiction as an illness to be treated and not a crime to be punished.

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