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Drug Rehab Centers >> California Drug Rehabs >> Homeless Healthcare Los Angeles

Homeless Healthcare Los Angeles

2330 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles CA, 90057
Contact Phone: (213) 744-0724
Website: http://www.hhcla.org
Details: Homeless Health Care Los Angeles (HHCLA) is a community-based organization in Los Angeles, which provides a comprehensive program for any person in need of health, mental health, housing, or quality of life services. These services reduce the impact of homelessness in the communities of Los Angeles County. Founded in 1985, HHCLA’s services have helped more than 150,000 homeless individuals. Most individuals receiving services from HHCLA enter through one of the following programs: HHCLA’s Skid Row Center for Harm Reduction; outreach; and referrals from community clinics, hospitals, and temporary shelters. These programs bring those who are seeking housing, substance use, and mental health treatment through the doors of HHCLA and provide a fully integrated harm reduction program with the goal of obtaining overall health and well-being.

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