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Drug Rehab Centers >> Arizona Drug Rehabs >> Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Branch Tohon O'odham Human Services

Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Branch Tohon O'odham Human Services

Business Loop Highway 86
Sells AZ, 85634
Contact Phone: (520) 383-6165
Website: http://www.tonation-nsn.gov/
Details: The purpose of the Department of Human Services is to improve the health and social well being of the O'odham. This includes providing services related to addictions and mental health, disease and communicable disease prevention and management, develop health promotion and wellness programs, provide social services and assistance to needy families, provide child protection and emergency shelter care services, provide cultural activities and social services to the elders, provide special needs services to individuals with developmental disabilities, provide transportation to those needing assistance to needed medical appointments and provide administration to health and education facilities construction.

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