Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> Missouri Rehab Centers >> Seymour Rehabs

Below are 1 drug rehabilitation centers in Seymour, MO.

Seymour Drug Rehab Centers

Heartland Center For Behavioral Change - Seymour Outpatient Clinic
Location: Seymour, MO - 65746
Contact Phone: (417) 866-3293
Website: http://heartlandcbc.org/
Description: Heartland Center is here to help individuals achieve and maintain recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. Our “person centered” approach includes a wide array of clinical treatment recovery programs and services to meet each person’s unique needs. Individuals progress through drug addiction treatment at various rates, so there is no pre-determined length of treatment or predetermined plan of treatment. Research shows that the best treatment outcomes result when the length of treatment corresponds to the needs of each client. Our diagnostic assessment is the first step in identifying the course of treatment. A licensed mental health professional and qualified substance abuse professional first meet with each new client to complete a comprehensive assessment. The results are then used to identify the needs of the person and the individual plan of treatment. We offer three levels of care in our Comprehensive Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation (CSTAR) Programs. Each level varies in intensity that ranges from 25 hours weekly to monthly support. Clients are placed in the treatment level that is best matched to their treatment needs. Services include: Comprehensive diagnostic assessment; Individual and group counseling; Dialectic education groups; Community support assistance; Self-help groups; Medication assistance. In addition, family members are encouraged to participate in the treatment program. All services are delivered by professional staff who are certified or licensed to provide services by the Missouri Substance Abuse Professional Credentialing Board. Heartland Center substance abuse treatment services are certified by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

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