Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> Minnesota Rehab Centers >> Wadena Rehabs

Below are 2 drug rehabilitation centers in Wadena, MN.

Wadena Drug Rehab Centers

Bell Hill Recovery Center
Location: Wadena, MN - 56482
Contact Phone: (218) 631-3610
Website: http://www.bellhill.org/
Description: Bell Hill Recovery Center is a private, non-profit rehabilitation facility located 6 miles north of Wadena, Minnesota. We have been providing long term chemical dependency services to adult males and females since 1973. Our inpatient treatment program is relapse-based and can serve 20 males over 18 years of age. In addition, we offer a Board and Lodge for males and females that provides a safe, chemically free living environment. Situated on 47 acres in rural central Minnesota, the campus includes Dormitory style resident halls, Dining Room, Recreation Center, Gymnasium, Hobby Shop, TV Lounge, group rooms and offices.
Northern Pines Mental Health Center - Chemical Health Services
Location: Wadena, MN - 56482
Contact Phone: (218) 631-1714
Website: http://www.npmh.org/
Description: NPMHC-CHS is designed to provide individualized outpatient treatment to adult & adolescent males and females ages 13+ who suffer from chemical dependency and /or co-occurring disorders (mental illness and substance abuse). Research has strongly indicated that to recover fully, clients with co-occurring disorders need treatment for both problems. Focusing on one does not ensure the other will go away. Under the IDDT philosophy, both issues are treated simultaneously in the same setting, as opposed to trying to treat both issues as separate problems. The IDDT model utilizes bio-psychosocial treatment (the whole person) to address the needs of clients and support the positive personal change and recovery of individuals with dual disorders. NPMHC-CHS follows this philosophy along with a multidisciplinary team environment. The client is seen as an active partner in the development of services. Our services include the following critical components to promote positive outcomes: Collaboration and a multidisciplinary team; Assertive outreach; Motivational interventions; A comprehensive, individualized approach to recovery.

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