Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> Massachusetts Rehab Centers >> Nantucket Rehabs

Below are 1 drug rehabilitation centers in Nantucket, MA.

Nantucket Drug Rehab Centers

Family & Children's Services Of Nantucket County
Location: Nantucket, MA - 02554
Contact Phone: (508) 228-2689
Website: http://nantucketfamilyservices.org/
Description: Since 1962, Family & Children’s Services has been committed to providing high-quality professional and confidential mental health and therapeutic addiction services for individuals and their families. At Family & Children’s Services, we understand the difficulties our clients’ experience navigating through their busy lives. Managing and coping with stress and daily struggles can seem overwhelming and insurmountable. We have developed a team of qualified, caring professionals to address the needs of our clients and serve as an objective ear of support, providing helpful ideas. We recognize the courage and fortitude our clients exhibit on a daily basis and we are honored that they have placed their trust in us. According to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, approximately 26% of our nation is living with a diagnosable mental health disorder. These individuals and their families also face the stigma associated with mental illness. Too often the news demonstrates our society’s desperate need to openly embrace and treat those suffering with mental illness as we would individuals diagnosed with high cholesterol, diabetes and arthritis. FCSN is proud to provide a broad spectrum of services to assist those in need so that together as a community we can help eliminate the stigma of mental illness and create a healthier and safer generation.

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