Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> California Rehab Centers >> Los Alamitos Rehabs

Below are 2 drug rehabilitation centers in Los Alamitos, CA.

Los Alamitos Drug Rehab Centers

Twin Town Treatment Centers
Location: Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Contact Phone: (562) 594-8844
Website: http://www.twintowntreatmentcenters.com
Description: Twin Town offers Adult and Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment at our six locations: Mission Viejo, West Hollywood, Orange, North Hollywood, Los Alamitos, Torrance. Many residential and inpatient programs refer to Twin Town for continuity of care and aftercare services. Twin Town provides alcoholism and drug addiction treatment for adults and adolescents in separate programs. The alcoholism and drug addiction treatment program emphasizes abstinence, relapse prevention, disease model education, family codependency counseling, problem solving skills, stress management, and family communication skills. Each client is enrolled in three hours of treatment programming per day, up to six days per week in the first month. Sessions decrease in duration and intensity during four months of continuing care.
Twin Town Treatment Centers
Location: Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Contact Phone: (562) 596-0050
Website: http://www.twintowntreatmentcenters.com
Description: Located in Los Alamitos, Long Beach, Orange County communities, Twin Town Treatment Centers is a premier provider of alcoholism and drug addiction treatment for many communities in Southern California. Los Alamitos, Long Beach, Orange County communities, are homes to diverse communities which include business owners, corporate employees, and entrepreneurs. Twin Town offers Adult and Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment at our six locations: Mission Viejo, West Hollywood, Orange, North Hollywood, Los Alamitos, Torrance. Many residential and inpatient programs refer to Twin Town for continuity of care and aftercare services. Twin Town provides alcoholism and drug addiction treatment for adults and adolescents in separate programs. The alcoholism and drug addiction treatment program emphasizes abstinence, relapse prevention, disease model education, family codependency counseling, problem solving skills, stress management, and family communication skills. Each client is enrolled in three hours of treatment programming per day, up to six days per week in the first month. Sessions decrease in duration and intensity during four months of continuing care.

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