Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> California Rehab Centers >> Davis Rehabs

Below are 1 drug rehabilitation centers in Davis, CA.

Davis Drug Rehab Centers

Dept Of Alcohol/drug Programs/davis Branch Yolo County
Location: Davis, CA - 95616
Contact Phone: (530) 757-5530
Website: http://www.yolocounty.org/
Description: The Department of Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health (ADMH) is the Specialty Mental Health Plan (MHP) for Medi-Cal and the administrator of Drug Medi-Cal for the County. As such the department is responsible for the provision and oversight of substance use disorder and mental health programs through cost-effective and evidence-based services including prevention, recovery and outpatient and inpatient services to children, youth and adults. Services are provided through outpatient clinics and a network of community based organizations.

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