Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitations >> Alaska Rehab Centers >> Sitka Rehabs

Below are 1 drug rehabilitation centers in Sitka, AK.

Sitka Drug Rehab Centers

Ravens Way Southeast Ak Regional Health Consortium
Location: Sitka, AK - 99835
Contact Phone: (907) 966-8716
Website: http://www.searhc.org/
Description: Raven's Way is a residential treatment program serving the youth of Alaska. Our nationally accredited program combines conventional substance abuse treatment, adventure-based therapy, and Native cultural activities. We focus on developing each youth's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strengths, as well as their communication and problem-solving skills. Graduates then have the tools to choose a healthy, substance-free lifestyle. Services are provided by our licensed/certified staff, which includes: psychologists and therapists, alcohol/drug counselors (including expedition specialists), and a secondary education teacher. Medical and psychiatric support is available through Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital.

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